Coprophagia or stool eating is an issue almost half the pet parents face at some point. Contrary to the common notion of dogs being dogs (or cats being playful), it should be taken as not so normal in modern day homes in America. While there can be several underlying causes, poor quality diet and inadequacy of certain nutrients are rather common ones. The problem appears to be more common with high carb, low fiber diets lacking in certain vitamins, which is a characteristics of most low quality, processed dry kibbles. While there are dozens of products targeting the issue, properly formulated high quality natural supplements as powder, chews, or tablets are available that can actually stop dogs and cats from eating their own or their buddies poop. Powders are quite easy to use in that dog or cat owners can simply sprinkle over the food and be done with it. Science4Pet's No Coprophagia - No Eating stool is unique in that it features all the essential components for stopping stool eating behavior.