Coprophagia (Stool Eating) in Pets: Primary Causes and Potential Solutions
Coprophagia or stool eating is an issue almost half the pet parents face at some point. Contrary to the common notion of dogs being dogs (or cats being playful), it should be taken as not so normal in modern day homes in America. While there can be several underlying causes, poor quality diet and inadequacy of certain nutrients are rather common ones. The problem appears to be more common with high carb, low fiber diets lacking in certain vitamins, which is a characteristics of most low quality, processed dry kibbles. While there are dozens of products targeting the issue, properly formulated high quality natural supplements as powder, chews, or tablets are available that can actually stop dogs and cats from eating their own or their buddies poop. Powders are quite easy to use in that dog or cat owners can simply sprinkle over the food and be done with it. Science4Pet's No Coprophagia - No Eating stool is unique in that it features all the essential components for stopping stool eating behavior. -
Comparison of Multivitamin Supplements for Pets, Including for Raw and Home Cooked Pet Foods: An Industrywide Overview
Basically all pet foods need added vitamins since the food ingredients alone can not meet even the minimum requirements. Further, considerable amounts of vitamins are lost due to manufacturing and environmental conditions. So, the question is what vitamins, how much of those vitamins, and whether the vitamins actually have their efficacy intact until eaten by your pets. Microencapsulation is the best technology available to protect the vitamins from breaking down before reaching the pets' tummy. Currently,Science4Pets is the only one that offers microencapsulated and non-China multivitamin supplements for dogs and cats intended for raw and home cooked foods as well as well as those needing supplementation to mediocre dry kibbles or other pet foods bought from the store. -
Science4Pets Launches Its Flagship Microencapsulated Vitamins for Pets
For the first time ever, dogs and cats can now benefit from microencapsulated vitamin supplements for enhancing their life with energy, vigor and vitality. Wondering what microencapsulated vitamins are? It surrounds and protects the vitamins from being prematurely broken down prior to reaching their desired target, your pets' tummy in other words.
Named PowerPro Raw, ProPower Multi, and B-Complex Boost, all are in powder form and aimed at simply providing the best vitamins for any pet lovers interested in protecting their pets. While PowerPro Raw is targeted for raw and home cooked pet foods, ProPower Multi is for those who buy pet foods from store, mostly the dry and kibbles, and need supplementation. B-Complex Boost, on the other hand, is simply for those who want to boost the B-vitamin status of their pets as they cannot store decent quantities in the body and need daily supply either through the food or treats and supplements.
Astaxanthin in Pet Foods and Supplements
Astaxanthin is probably the most powerful antioxidant; 100s of times higher than the antioxidant capacity of CoQ10 and even higher than vitamins A, E and C as well as plant polyphenols. It appears to provide several health benefits, which is mostly linked to its super high antioxidant activity. Natural astaxanthin is superior to synthetic ones, but the latter one predominates the industry. Its primary natural sources are micro-algae and krill powder as well as krill oil. Science4Pets uses both krill powder and krill oil in its pet products. Use of krill, either oil or meal/powder, as an astaxanthin source adds another dimension to any pet product as it contains omega 3 fats as both triglycerides and phospholipids, which is believed to have greater bioavailability.
Comparison of Probiotic Supplements for Dogs and Cats
Probiotics are basically the friendly viable, living microbial cells linked to several health benefits, including improved digestion, weight loss, enhanced immune function, healthier skin, and reduced risk of many chronic diseases. Just like us humans, it can be equally important for pets to also receive probiotics from external supplements to improve the gut environment and long term digestive and overall health. Of the two types of bacteria used in probiotic products, spore forming ones (Bacillus coaulans and Bacillus subtilis etc.) are far superior to vegetative types (Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Enterococcus etc.). Besides the bacteria, other vital components of a probiotic product include prebiotics (food for the microbes themselves), digestive enzymes, important Ayurvedic and other herbs, and powerful antioxidants, such as astaxanthin from krill powder. -
Microencapsulation: A State-of-the-Art Technology to Minimize the Vitamin Loss and Revolutionize Pet Food and Supplement Industry
Micro-encapsulation is a state of the art technology that has the potential to revolutionize pet food industry, particularly when it comes to vitamins. It is basically protecting the vitamin from getting lost due to manufacturing (cooking, extrusion, etc.) and environmental factors (temperature, air, light, moisture, handling, etc.). In other words, it is preserving the efficacy of vitamins until reaching your pet's tummy, so he can get what he is supposed to and what you have paid for. Science4Pets ( is the only company with micro-encapsulated and non-China pet vitamin products in the market. -
What is Microencapsulation of Vitamins and Why Microencapsulated Vitamins in Pet Foods, Treats, and Supplements
Microencapsulation is a state-of-the-art technology in delivering a specific vitamin, mineral, or any other nutrient to the intended recipient and increase the bioavailability and product best by use date. Science4Pets is the first pet food and supplement company to bring pet vitamins that are both non-China and microencapsulated even though microencapsulation is more common in pharmaceutical (extended release being widely known) and cosmetics industry. -
Spore forming vs non-Spore forming bacteria in Probiotic Products
There are two types of probiotic bacteria, vegetative and spore forming; former being much more susceptible to environmental factors as well as stomach acid. Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus, etc. come under vegetative group, while bacteria of Bacillus genus are the most common among spore forming ones used in probiotic industry. Vegetative species are much more economical than spore forming ones and therefore, extensively used in the pet food industry. Science4Pets ( is among only a few pet food companies that use two Bacillus species in their probiotic and other relevant products. -
Pet Food Allergy: Questions, Concerns, and Remediation
Pet food allergy is probably less common than perceived since <5% of dogs and even fewer cats appear to be affected. While there can be some genuine food allergies in dogs and cats, it appears to be more prevalent when a food (a particular protein type to be more specific) is given for long periods. Beef, dairy, chicken, wheat, soy, and lamb constitute major culprits in order contributing ~90% of all the cases. Since food allergy is more long term and immune related, it should not be confused with food intolerance, which is rather immediate and non-immune related. Food elimination test, which is a rather long and expensive process, is probably the best tool to actually determine if your dog or cat is allergic to any food, but blood test and other tools don't appear to be available. Switching the food before too long, alternating the protein sources, etc. should help in preventing from developing or remedying if it hasn't gone too far.