
  • Astaxanthin in Pet Foods and Supplements

    Astaxanthin is probably the most powerful antioxidant; 100s of times higher than the antioxidant capacity of CoQ10 and even higher than vitamins A, E and C as well as plant polyphenols. It appears to provide several health benefits, which is mostly linked to its super high antioxidant activity. Natural astaxanthin is superior to synthetic ones, but the latter one predominates the industry. Its primary natural sources are micro-algae and krill powder as well as krill oil. Science4Pets uses both krill powder and krill oil in its pet products. Use of krill, either oil or meal/powder, as an astaxanthin source adds another dimension to any pet product as it contains omega 3 fats as both triglycerides and phospholipids, which is believed to have greater bioavailability.